Scanning Microfiche To PDF

Scanning Microfiche To PDF Done The Right Way

Our service offers you the ability to work with scanning microfiche to PDF files. We have equipment that lets us do conversions to multiple file types quickly. If this interests you, then you can learn more about the process and what to expect below.

We use software that lets us scan each piece of media you have one at a time. If there are any errors, the person doing the conversion will be able to look and see what options there are to fix it. For instance, if there is an upside down piece of film, we can rotate it so that the PDF looks just like it should. You don’t have to worry about storing the files, either, because we can name them and put them in separate folders based on what they are if that’s what you need us to do for you.

Why would you even want to scan a microfiche and turn it into a PDF file? Think about how much less space you’d have to take up with your film media if you had it all digitized. You could just throw it all out and use the PDFs from then on. Later, if you wanted to convert a PDF to another type of file, it will be easy to do so without losing the original that we converted for you. We can also help you to scan in microfiche in multiple file types so later you don’t have to deal with it and they’ll still be small files.

A lot of the time, when scanning microfiche to PDF, you will benefit greatly from it. From being able to save time to saving money on storage, when you can get rid of your microfiche by using our services you will be very happy with how it turns out.